278 Goya birth anniversary group show at Fuendetodos

Source and date: Pablo Pérez Palacio - 02 / 04 / 2024

Photography: Pablo Pérez Palacio


A litography group show that will remain open till June 2024 at Ignacio Zuloaga show room. An exhibition wich gather 87 artists of la Casa Velázquez.

I participate with my litography art work /  Amanece en el Laberinto / among the last six scholarship - holdings by DPZ to attend the french institutiuon (Casa de Velázquez)

Alba Lorente Hernandez / Pablo Pérez Palacio / Laía Argüelles / Carla Nicolás / Alejandro Azón Ballarín / Alejandro Ramirez Ariza y Esther Señor ( coletivo fromado por Esther Señor y Carmen Cifrian) 

I create this piece at Prado workshop (Madrid-2022) during mi Casa Velázquez scholarship.

Serie of 21 copies / 28,5 cm x 24 cm

Text - Amanece en el Laberinto //


at the maze,

at this imposible landscape of supremacy and loneliness,

I can barely distinguish the sunrise from the sunset.

Another day falling.

The light is shadow and a corner seems a corridor.

At the beginning,

at the end,

I'm still in the same place: I.